A resume is a document used by individuals to represent their background and skill sets and are mostly used to secure employment.A typical resume contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. Resumes are usually comparable to a CV, although in some countries a resume is much shorter than a CV.
Contents of a typical resume:
- Contact details
- Career objective
- Employment History
- Educational Qualifications
- Special achievements
- References
The contents of a resume should be relevant to the job/industry one is applying for. For eg. While applying as a medical professional, writing about one’s dancing skills would be highly inappropriate. However,some people do like to include their hobbies and interests so that the employer can get to know them better. Also, one does not necessarily need to include personal details such as gender, marital status etc.
Styles of formatting a resume:
Some of the common formats in which a resume can be organized are:
- Reverse chronological resume – In this format,one job experience is enlisted in the reverse chronological order,generally covering last 10-15 years.It works to build credibility through experience gained.However,this format is not advised for people having gaps in career summary.
- Functional Resume – This format enlists work experience and skills sorted by skill area.It works for those making a career change,having a varied work history and little experience.It is also preferred for applications to jobs that require a very specific skill set.
- Hybrid resume – As the name suggests,this format balances the two formats mentioned above.Owing to repetitions,this format is less widely used than the other two.
- Online Resume – These days it is common for employers to only accept resumes electronically,either out of practicality or preference.Many potential employers now use search engines,which makes it important for job seekers to use keywords. Many employers also use electronic resume processing systems to handle large volumes of resumes. Job ads may direct applicants to email a resume to their company or visit their website and submit a resume in electronic format.
This rise in the need of online resumes has led to emergence of numerous websites that help you generate a resume online. Being spoilt for choice, it is important to choose a site that gets the job done quickly and properly. That is where Resumonk comes handy. With a promise to create a beautiful and professional resume within minutes, it puts an end to all online resume related worries. Have a happy resume building experience!
This post has been contributed by Srishti Singh.