It is really hard to believe that it has been over a month since I launched Resumonk. What started as a project to teach myself some programming has now helped over four thousand people create their resume. There are also a lot of updates that I would like to share so I thought I would summarize the stats so far before sharing some of the updates and newer features that I have been working on.
For an app with zero marketing budget, I think these are great numbers so I would really like to thank everyone who has thought it worthwhile to spread the word about Resumonk. I am also grateful to everyone who gave me their suggestions and inputs and I am sorry for any delays in replying to your emails.
Now lets take a look at the updates and features that I have pushed over the last month.
- Cleaner UI – added the ability to minimize/maximize certain fields in the resume form to avoid having to scroll all the way to the bottom and the ability to “clone” a resume.
- More fields – added fields for Projects, Publications and Volunteering work.
- Template editor – added a drag-and-drop mechanism for re-ordering your resume and also added the ability to change your resume’s color scheme.
- Custom URL – you can now change your resume url to have your name in it instead of a random string (eg:http://www.resumonk.com/r/bharani )
I guess thats it for now. I will keep updating this blog with the modifications and additions that I make to Resumonk. Please share your thought and ideas through the comments. If you are more comfortable with email, drop me a line at bharani91[at]gmail.com. I would love to hear your suggestions and feedback.