Curious about what successful entrepreneurs ask when they interview job seekers? Wondering what it takes to get hired by a high-profile startup? We interviewed (ha!) the Founders of some of the fastest growing companies and asked them to reveal the questions they ask while recruiting new team members for their venture. If you are a […]
Read MoreJob Search
Tips and Tricks for the Perfect Interview

Today’s job market is a competitive one. Prospective employers definitely have their pick of qualified, and often overqualified, candidates. There are a number of things you can do to help you perform well in your interview. With a little preparation and some simple follow up, you can greatly increase your chances of impressing potential employers […]
Read MoreWrite A Winning Cover Letter

When you apply for jobs,employers usually ask for a cover letter alongwith your resume (For a great resume building experience visit Resumonk). A cover letter is nothing but an introduction to your resume and should hence be organized,relevant,customized and nothing short of great. It basically tells the employer why he/she should read your resume, call […]
Read MoreCorporate Enough?

The word ‘corporate’ has become almost synonymous with a high flown style in the usage of language as a via-media of communication devoid of any meaning. A simple conversation between two employees in an organization will sound so artificial that you wouldn’t talk like that in a million years in the real life. Well, we’ve […]
Read MoreAim and Shoot

Are you also one of those people who consider a task well finished after completing your resume and then forward it to a million employers so that you find a job real soon? Well then you’re one big escapist. This phenomenon, popularly known as resume blast, has been common for quite a while now. Although […]
Read MoreRésumés Writing Tips For Freshers

A resume is a document used by individuals to represent their background and skill sets and are mostly used to secure employment.A typical resume contains a summary of relevant job experience and education. Resumes are usually comparable to a CV, although in some countries a resume is much shorter than a CV. Contents of a typical resume: […]
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