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Resume Writing Tips & Career Advice

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How to Write a Letter of Recommendation


Employers sometimes ask for letters of recommendation from people who know the applicants. Recommendation letters can be requested as part of the initial application package or as the last step in vetting a job candidate.

Organizations that ask for letters of recommendation usually ask for two or three such letters, in order to get a better feel for the candidate and make sure they’re a good fit for the company. 

Gather Information to Write the Letter

If you’re approached by someone to write a letter of recommendation, the first step is to gather information about the position she is looking for.

Ask for a copy of the job posting. If she wants a more general letter of recommendation, ask for the type of job they are looking for.

You need to have the specific job posting or knowledge of the type of job the person is looking for because the most successful recommendation letters will make a clear link between the capabilities, skills and qualities the job-seeker has demonstrated previously and those required in the open position.

Good recommendation letters are not vague and general. They specifically pinpoint what the person has done well with an eye toward what they can continue to do well. Read More

Resume vs Curriculum Vitae (CV): What’s the Difference?


Whether you’re applying for a scholarship, a place on a master’s course or a full-fledged job, you need to provide relevant information to sell yourself to those choosing the best candidate.

The best way to do so is to create a killer resume or curriculum vitae (CV) that describes you, your experience and all you’ve achieved thus far.

How do you know which type of document to produce, though?

To some, a resume and a CV may seem like interchangeable words. It turns out there are differences between the two documents, as well as differences in the types of places you’d send a resume versus a CV.

To make that decision clearer — and to make the creation of your resume or CV easier for you — here are the biggest differences between the two documents. Read More

The 12-Step Plan to a Successful Career Change


Being stuck in a job that doesn’t allow you to reach your full potential can cause a lot of unwanted stress and uncertainty for many people. We’re here to remind you that you aren’t stuck, and it’s totally possible to switch into a different industry, field or position.

Maybe you’ve lost interest in your current profession, or maybe you’ve discovered a new interest in another field. No matter the reason, deciding to switch careers is life-changing. To be successful at whatever it is you choose to do, you need to make the change the right way.

If you’re considering a career change but don’t know where to start, follow these 12 steps: Read More

Complete List of Behavioral Interview Questions


Behavioral interview questions can reveal a lot about you. In addition to seeing if your skills and abilities align with the job duties, these can also indicate how your personality will fit the position and company. Your interviewer wants to see how you might react to certain situations that could come up with this job.

It’s always good to prepare for these types of questions beforehand. Obviously, you can’t predict the exact questions they’re going to ask, but it’s good to have something in mind for what you think may come up.

Look at the key skills listed in the job posting. These attributes are a good indicator of qualities that will come up during the interview.

Here’s a complete list of behavioral interview questions to help you get ready for your next job interview.


Eighty-three percent of employers in a recent survey said teamwork is extremely high on their wish list for entry-level employees. Chances are, you’re going to get at least one question that deals with how you’ve previously collaborated with coworkers:  

  1. Give an example of a time when you had to work closely with someone whose personality was very different from yours.
  2. Talk about a time when you faced a conflict while working with a team. How did you handle it?
  3. Tell me about an experience working with a team that you found rewarding.
  4. Give me an example of a time you had to deal with a difficult coworker.
  5. Talk about a time when you were on a team with someone who wasn’t doing their share of the work. How did you handle it?
  6. What do you think is the most difficult part of being a member — and not a leader — of a team? Why? How do you deal with it?
  7. Have you had to be the mediator to settle an issue between two members? What happened? How did you resolve the dispute?

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9 Tips to Make Your LinkedIn Profile Stand Out


There are ways to boost your LinkedIn profile so you can network with more people.

We live in an age where being social on the internet is incredibly common — for some careers, it’s even expected.

More than likely, you have numerous social accounts, from Facebook to Instagram and everything in between. You probably also have a LinkedIn account.

While all of these social sites have their purpose and ways to connect with others, it’s important to remember that they don’t all function the same.

LinkedIn is supposed to be your professional site, where you connect with business associates and look for jobs. Like Facebook, you can post on LinkedIn but remember to keep it professional.

Unlike Facebook, you probably don’t spend a lot of time on LinkedIn. You probably visit it sporadically, when you’re looking for a job or adding a new professional contact you’ve met at a meeting or conference. You may not always be looking for a new job, but that doesn’t mean your dream job isn’t out there looking for you.

By keeping your LinkedIn profile up to date, potential employers can find you, and it allows you to grow your personal brand.

Below are nine tips to help you get your LinkedIn profile in shape and ready for action: Read More

How to Follow Up Throughout Your Job Search


You’ve spent a lot of effort job hunting. You’ve sent out your resumes, and prepared for the interviews after that. And yet, all you get in return are crickets. Makes you want to pull your hair out, doesn’t it?

Unfortunately, if job hunting is a full-time job, waiting is part of the duties and responsibilities. If you want to follow up on your job application without appearing rude, annoying or desperate, here’s what you need to keep in mind. Read More

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